Mesotherapy, also known as Liquid Lipo, is a beautiful procedure that injects a nutrient-rich solution directly into the mesoderm using a needle. This solution is carried beyond the treatment area through the blood vessels to stimulate circulation and lymphatic drainage. This process dissolves fat which leads to a slimmer appearance.
Patients report that Mesotherapy comes with minimal pain. However, a numbing cream is used, and you’ll feel a tiny injection scratch on your skin –the treatment lasts about 1 hour.
Rare side effects might include bruising, reaction, infection, inflammation, and swelling.
This procedure is not used for pregnant women, nursing mothers, obese patients, or people with diabetes, autoimmune diseases, vascular complications, or infections.
Three sessions are recommended for the best results. Each session must be scheduled at least four weeks a part.
Treatment Areas
During the consultation, a plan will be created to treat the areas you are interested in. To obtain the desired look, we will treat each area through a series of sessions. Areas we commonly treat are:
Upper and lower abdomen
Upper arms
"Love handles"
Double chin
Benefits of Treatment
Mesotherapy helps reduce overall body fat. Furthermore, it contributes to improving skin tone and elasticity and reducing the appearance of cellulite. It can help promote collagen production, leading to younger-looking skin. The following are also benefits of mesotherapy:
Improves the appearance of the skin
Improves metabolic function and circulation
Firmer, more toned skin
Skin lift
Cellulite reduction
Fat removal
Skin hydration
Mesotherapy Treatment Plan
Mesotherapy is a cosmetic treatment that involves injecting a combination of Phosphatidylcholine and Sodium deoxycholic acid (PCDC) directly into targeted areas. Each session lasts about an hour, and patients typically undergo three treatments every four to five weeks. Many patients have seen noticeable improvements after their third treatment, including a reduction in the appearance of cellulite, a more even skin tone, and a breakdown of fat cells. This treatment can be used on various parts of the body, including the legs, hips, thighs, arms, and abs, and has also been shown to effectively reduce fat under the chin. Your Artistry & Wellness specialist will provide a personalized treatment plan during your consultation to help you achieve your desired results.
Mesotherapy vs. Liposuction
Mesotherapy offers a safer, less invasive alternative without the downtime involved with Liposuction. Liposuction does not treat cellulite and, in fact, often results in making the cellulite more prominent and asymmetrical. Mesotherapy treats cellulite directly, and the result is a smoother, refined skin surface. Microinjections of an individualized "fat burning" formula are given directly into the areas being treated (love handles, arm flaps, saddlebags, etc.) A series of treatments are given, spaced 4-5 weeks apart. Results are considered permanent as long as the patient adheres to a proper diet and exercise regimen. Occasional touch-ups may be required.
Why Artistry & Wellness?
Mesotherapy requires a delicate approach, considering your unique body attributes, skin type, and overall preferences and goals. Our Artistry & Wellness specialists are highly trained with expert knowledge of body anatomy and injection techniques and will get you the results you’re looking for.
Mesotherapy works well with other noninvasive therapies, such as Skin Tightening, Cavitation, and Light Lipo. They’re often the foundation of the Artistry & Wellness comprehensive body contouring program. An adequate diet and exercise routine is recommended.